Wednesday, September 30, 2009

A miscellaneous collection of Asian men

This post won't come up with a particular Asian man, it comes from many sources: magazines, famous photographers who worked with Asian male model, or just a hot guy from internet.

First, a hot model at Men's Health Indonesia. His name is "I Made Agus Suarjana". Great body with a shining smile...

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Xue Shuai - new handsome Chinese model

Xue Shuai - a new face - has started his modeling on Chinese catwalk. With height 6.2ft and such a well-proportioned body shape, this hottie is going to be a famous model in China. This post will show you the most beautiful pictures of this guy. Enjoy!

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Jian Leonardo - a professional International model

With a beautiful face for an Asian model, Jian Leonardo is now seeking for worldwide modeling work. He's already appeared in GQ, Men's Vogue, VanityFair, Maxim, Details, Rollingstone, ESPN, Men's Uno... and also in D&G, JPG, DKNY, CK fashion show. Curious about him? Go to his official site or his Friendster profile to see more sexy pictures.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Hoang Duc Tien - another type of Asian beauty

This is another hot Vietnamese guy I would like to show on Hot Asian guys blog. Hoang Duc Tien currently is the top Vietnamese model (also an actor in Vietnamese TV shows). I'm not sure for my eyes but I think he's got a special beauty, very different with other Vietnamese men I know. However, he's absolutely a hot Asian guy. Check this out!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

A hot Vietnamese showcase

Update: From 2 comments corrected me about this model (His name is Le Minh Hieu), I changed this post's title and label. Thank you guys! Love your comments.

More pictures of this hot hunk from internet you can click here, here, or here

Original: What is the best thing in this set? It could be a sexy shirtless Asian model with 6 packs, and the worst thing is Photoshop background. Dam! Why didn't they just make a simple background for this sexy boy in their photos? I don't get it.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Jericho Rosales - attractive Filipino guy

Celebrity Jericho Rosales (full name Jericho Vibar Rosales) is one of the most attractive man in Philippine. By archiving huge awards collection (best actor, best performance), Jericho Rosales proves himself as a talented artist. This gallery will give you the evidence of how hot he is, and no doubt girls always go crazy about him.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Tim Kang - Asian actor in The Mentalist

Tim Kang is an Asian-American actor who appeared in loads of American movies and TV shows (last year in Rambo 4 and currently in The Mentalist series).

What would you attract by this guy? He's handsome, and mostly he's got a "very cute speaking and smiling action". Watch him in this interview (Hollywood 411 studio at TV Guide).

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Ryan Lee Chow - simply hot

Fitness Asian model Ryan Lee Chow's got a coveted body that hardly find in Asian models. Living in UK, he has good credits in fashion shows and commercials. What can he do more? He can play guitar and sing (he's a singer actually, I found his own channel on Youtube) and he's also a great photographer (surprise?). Visit his official website to see more his fascinating body and his beautiful photographs.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Joaquin Miguel Bais - new Fillipino model

This photo set comes from Ian Felix Alquiros photography with model named Joaquin Miguel Bais. I had one post in the past with photos from him but at that time, I had no idea where the pictures come from, so this could be a supplementary post.

About the photographer, I think he's already worked with hundreds of Filipino male models (you can see on his blog), and I think Joaquin Miguel Bais is one of the most remarkable face in this collection. Vote 5 stars for his attractive smile!

Mark Zhao - potential Taiwanese actor

Young talented actor Mark Zhao (or Mark Chao, full name Mark Zhao Yu Ting) is a new face of PTS Taiwan, and became famous until he acted in a role in Black and White, a hot TV show in Taiwan.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Warin Punhakarn - an Asian prince charming

It must be my lucky day when I found Warin Punhakarn on internet. So what's he got? The most charming smile with a handsome face of an Asian guy.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Yoo Seung Jun - hot muscle Asian guy

Hot muscle Asian boy Yoo Seung Jun is a Korean rapper. He did a big break (kinda mistake) in his career since he became American citizen to avoid military duty - of cause Korean people felt betrayed and very angry at him. It's so unfortunate because he is a real hot guy with amazing dance. Watch this!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Philippine - Cosmo Bachelor Bash 2009

69 hunks appeared at the fashion show of Cosmopolitan Magazine Bachelor Bash in September 10, 2009. Yummy!

More photos you can access here at Vince Lopez photography.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Kegan Sean Gordon - unique mixed-race beauty

What are Asian characteristics left on him? Only the eyes! But that make him has the beauty that photographers could hardly find. Kegan Sean Gordon - live in Seattle, Washington - introduces himself as a model of Heffner Model management. This hot Asian-American stud is new for modeling career, but with his unique beauty, he could be "most wanted model" soon in future.


For some of you, this video could be boring: long, no words, and no hot sex. But may be it could bring you some kind of classic, soft, and gentle. It is something different where too much pornography in this information age.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Rock Ji - just hot Asian hunk

I do not expect a new face that you've never seen in this collection, just only highest quality pictures of this hot hunk. Rock Ji is already appeared too much on internet by his amazing body with professional style. Feel it in your way!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

SK Low - hot dancer from Malaysia

Hot hunk SK Low is professional dancer in Malaysia. I don't say he's got a great Asian face but with perfect smooth tan skin and beautiful shape, he is first choice for skin products commercial. And in this collection, you will see all shirtless pictures of this hot guy.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Tommy t Tran - hot top Vietnamese model

Lived in US before come to Vietnam, Tommy t Tran was known as a model for magazines and commercial in US, Singapore, Hong Kong, Thailand, Korea...

This hot Vietnamese model now is busy with his activities in Vietnam. Being both an actor and a model, he starts to expand and getting success in his works. He's also the best choice for top male model in Vietnamese fashion shows. Take a look at his professional works and his sexy shirtless pictures.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Lee Yong Woo - on the best collection

Just after the first pic may be you know why Lee Yong Woo is on this post. Is he famous in Korea or Asia? I'm not sure with his short filmography and almost "no Google bio", but I found that he's got a real good looking and he should be a potential model in Korea. And this must be his best gallery on internet. A real hot Asian guy!

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Henry Lee J - great Asian choice for photographers

By introducing himself on ModelMayhem, Henry Lee is hunted by famous photographers who need something new, fresh and beautiful Asian ethnicity on their photos. This collection is shoots of Henry Lee on Walter Parada and Paul Mariano, two famous photographers in US.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Hot Asian guys go for basketball

Sexy Asian boys go for basketball. Enjoy this black and white "filmstrip". Nice weekend!

Derek Ramsey - hot looking Pinoy actor

Hot Pinoy Derek Ramsey (full name Derek Arnold Ramsay) is a famous actor and top model in Philippines. His beauty is combined of Filipino and English, that's the reason why he's got sexy appeal as you will see in this collection. This post simply shows the series of this hot Pinoy, and if you need more pictures of this hunk, go to Ultimate Pinoy Hunks or just type his name on Google. But first, enjoy my best collecting photos of this guy.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Ken Hirai - hot Japanese singer with beautiful voice

Am I going too far from the topic "Hot Asian guys"? This is absolutely not. The sexy hot guy I would like to introduce here is 100% Japanese, and he is type of Japanese men sometime we meet (in some pictures he looks quite Caucasian, but I think you will change your mind if you look at them again).

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